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Joyce - Preemie Child Member

Justine and Destiny were premature at 25 weeks gestation.Justice and Destiny were born on 1-19-93 at 25 weeks gestation due to PROM. Destiny had a typical little girl feeder and grower experience although she did have a Grade I IVH and some circulatory problems that resulted in the loss of the tips of two fingers. At age 5 now she is a sharp little cookie but EXTREMELY hyperactive. She does well in preschool which is Montessori-style so she can float from one activity to another and stay busy and learning all day. I am very worried about kindergarten which she will be attending this coming fall. She already knows all the kindergarten stuff and if she gets bored or is expected to sit in a chair for long periods of time, trouble will follow.

Justice had one of the more complicated sorts of NICU stays. While he managed to emerge physically intact, he is diagnosed with PDD which is an autistic spectrum disorder. At age five he has approximately 50 words that he uses communicatively. He has been in public schools since 33 months of age and believe me, that has been a real learning experience - for me. He is presently in a half day program five days a week. He is also very hyper and distractible.

You can contact Joyce at jworsle@MAIL.PRATT.LIB.MD.US

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