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Premature Baby Premature Child

Books - preemies and prematurity


Your Premature Baby and Child

Amy E. Tracy and Dianne I. Maroney

Your Premature Baby and Child
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Reviewed by Allison Martin

Your Premature Baby and Child by Amy Tracy and Dianne Maroney provides support and valuable information for one of the most difficult tasks of raising a child born prematurely - the transition home from the hospital. This book is an essential resource for every parent of a premature baby - it continues the story of caring for your premature baby from the point where other books stop. Although the intensity of experience lessens after leaving the hospital, parents find themselves in a new world providing for a baby with special needs. Now the parents are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the health and well being of their child - it is an immense and sometimes frightening responsibility, requiring parents to assume many new roles. Your Premature Baby and Child holds your hand as you and your child grow together.

The excellent selection of quotes from parents bring a level of emotional depth and experience to the Your Premature Baby and Child that is very compelling. These quotes are likely to be extremely valuable and affirming to parents going down the same road. The range and diversity of impacts resultant from prematurity are many and most are addressed in this book. The major chapters address the homecoming (e.g., bringing the NICU home with you), medical concerns (e.g., lungs, brain, eyes), feeding your preemie (e.g., growth, breastfeeding), your growing preemie (e.g., early development), and your school age preemie (e.g., preschool and IEP's).

Parents of babies and toddlers will find Your Premature Baby and Child very useful; I would recommend that every parent purchase a copy before they bring their child home from the NICU. Parents of preschoolers will also benefit from the later chapters and the chance to look back on their experiences during their child's early years. This book fills a gap that has been empty for many years and will play an important role in the lives of many parents of children born premature for years to come.

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Read our interview with Dianne Maroney, Co-Author

Read our interview with Amy Tracy, Co-Author


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