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Rene Milner - Preemie Child Member

My name is René Milner and I am the mother of almost 14 year girls that were born 13 weeks premature. The girls had a brother that only lived 15 days. They spent 110 days in the hospital and came home together.

They are both in 8th grade now and are doing well, both make the Honor roll each grading period with Algebra being the only B they each make. 

Alicia has mild cerbral palsy which affects her physical capabilites at times. Jessica has worn glasses since one year of age and has had eye muscle surgery three times - the most recent only two weeks ago. The surgery went well and appears to be a success and she had very little pain with the procedure. 

Both my girls are doing well and for all appearances sake, show no signs of the prematurity to outsiders.  Most  of their teachers have no idea that they were born so early and were only 1 and 1/2 lbs. each at birth.  My husband and I feel very blessed to have two such wonderful miracles.  They beat the odds at the time and continue to do so each day.  We also have two other children that were born at full term, Maggie is age 9 and Joseph is age 2. 

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